
Project Details

Lee’s Sandwiches

The position.

Lee’s Sandwiches was in the early stages of a potential rebrand for their entire company and was exploring the possibility of reaching a new market without completely shocking their current customer base. Cheston helped create marketing elements for the company including a promotional campaign, an ad spot, and a web design overhaul mockup.

The problems.

Historically, the company hadn’t put much focus on branding, and there wasn’t a concrete direction for the look & feel they wanted to go in. For those who understand branding, a rebrand is a HUGE undertaking that requires a many rounds of iterations, thought-work, planning, and strategy. This wasn’t exactly something Lee’s was ready to invest just yet. A new promotional lunch combo was an opportunity to test a new look; it was the first time they had a combo on their menu at all. They challenged Cheston to blend Lee’s traditional style with a younger feel.

The pop art campaign.

Inspired by the great Andy Warhol, pop art is the perfect blend of old school and new school. It holds a progressive feeling that the youth connects to, and it pulls on strings of nostalgia for the older customers. Even more interesting, pop art is loud. The different look would disrupt the current brand, building a bridge towards a new era.

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A long history of Vietnamese sandwiches served out of trucks evolving with the times.

/ print
/ digital
/ video
/ restaurant